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Work in progress

Dynamic Mapping of Industry-Technology Linkages to Predict Economic Performance.


Comparison of Different Industry-Technology Cross-walks and their Validation


Studying the Evolution of the Backbone of Technology Development: Surveying Information Centrality in the Patent System.


A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management: the role of project uncertainty

Papers under review or being prepared for submission

From Knowledge Flows to Technical Information: Patent Citations as Signal of Technical Interactions (with Guillermo Ruiz-Pava and Chris Magee), submitted.


How Effective are Latin American Coding Bootcamps as a Mean to Obtain an In-Field Job?


Research Fronts' Life Cycle and Comparative Technological Advantage.



Published refereed journal articles

2022Tracing the emergence of new technology: a comparative analysis of five technological domains (with Inchae Park and Chris Magee). Technological Forecasting & Social Change, in press.


2021. Technological improvement rate predictions for all technologies: Use of patent data and an extended domain description (with Anuraag Singh and Chris Magee). Research Policy. Volume 50, Issue 9, November 2021, 104294.

Access paper here.


2020, Estimating Technology Performance Improvement Rates by Mining Patent Data (with Jeff Alstott and Chris Magee), Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol 158, September 2020, 120100.

Access paper here.

Access code and data here.


2019, Quantification of Technological Progress in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Capture and Mitigation using Patent Data (with Mahdi Sharifzadeh and Chris Magee), Energy and Environmental Science, 12(9), 2789-2805.

Access paper here.


2019, Overlay technology space map for analyzing design knowledge base of a technology domain: the case of hybrid electric vehicles (with Binyang Song, Bowen Yan, Jeff Alstott and Jianxi Luo), Research in Engineering Design, 30(3), 405-423.

Access paper here.


2018, Is there a Moore´s law for 3D Printing? (with Chris Benson and Chris Magee), 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 53-62.

Access paper here.


2017, Inventors Explorations Across Technology Domains (with Jeff Alstott, Bowen Yan and Jianxi Luo), Design Science, vol 3, e20.

Access paper here.


2017, Cyclic Dependence, Vertical Integration, and Innovation (with Jianxi Luo), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 46-55.

Access paper here.

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2016, “Mapping the Technology Space by Normalizing Technology Networks”, with Jeff Alstott, Bowen Yan and Jianxi Luo, Scientometrics, 110(1), 443-479.

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2014, "R&D and Knowledge Dynamics in University-Industry Relationships in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals: an Agent-Based Model", with Ramon Scholz, Andreas Pyka, International Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 13, Issue 1-3, pp. 137-179.

Access paper here.

2012, "Knowledge flows - Analyzing the core literature of innovation, entrepreneurship and science and technology studies" with Samyukta Bhupatiraju, Bart Verspagen, Önder Nomaler, Research Policy, Volume 41, Issue 7, Pages 1121-1282

Access paper here.

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2011, "Learning-by-Modeling: Insights from an Agent-Based Model of University-Industry Relationships", with Andreas Pyka, Cybernetics and Systems, Volume 42, Issue 7 pp. 484-501

Access paper here.

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PhD Thesis

Looking for the Right Path. Engineering Trajectories, Catching-up and Industrial Dynamics in the Semiconductor Industry.

Download thesis here.

Download presentation slides here.

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Conference proceedings

2016, “Overlay Patent Network to Analyze the Design Space Of a Technology Domain: The Case of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles”, with Binyang Song, Jeff Alstott, Bowen Yan and Jianxi Luo, Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference.

Download conference proceeding here.

Other research output

2010, "An Economic Approach to the Theory of Innovation Networks in the Service Industries", with Andreas Pyka, Benjamin Schön, Paul Windrum, Lars Fuglsang, Koen Frenken, EU 7th. Framework Programme - ServPPIN project.

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